Welcome to another issue of Love Lucy. I write to you in a very sleep deprived state so I apologize now for not making sense. This weeks letter will be a little shorter than normal, but the next few Issues I will be sharing some exciting news about an upcoming exhibition and also highlighting a photographer I love! But for this week I am gonna share a mag I recommend very highly and also a few updates on what’s going on with me.
Magazine Plans
If you are on this mailing list then you know how much Matt Murray and I love to team up! For the last few months we have been going back and forth with the idea of doing a printed magazine all about film photography. We are now well into the process of planning and gathering content for it and I have to say I am so excited, but also so stressed! It’s a lot to take on whilst also juggling family life and other creative pursuits but I know Matt and I are going to smash it.
I can’t say too much more on the mag front right now, as we are still in the early stages but we are hoping it could be something you might be able to order before Xmas this year. See how we go, don’t hold us to that!
We have a few people in our inner circle that are already contributing but if you have any interesting projects or stories, or you know of resources, people, places or business’ that you think would be able to either help, fund, or get involved then please contact me via email - lucylumenanalog@gmail.com
Mike and Lucy’s Music Podcast
Gutterman Mike and I are recording the first few episodes of a music podcast tomorrow morning and I can’t wait to hear the response from all you music lovers out there. Mike came on my podcast a while back and we basically just chatted about 90’s bands the whole time so we figured it was only appropriate to start a totally music focused project together! Keep your eyes peeled for it coming soon…
Lunch Lady
So when Matt and I first started talking about the magazine idea we both at the same time mentioned this magazine, Lunch Lady, which is a colourful, fun, wholesome, arty and beautifully designed Australian magazine. Lunch Lady comes from the creative minds behind another aussie fav, Frankie, which I have mentioned before on various occasions and in a recent newsletter! I just love the design and layout and how fun, and almost scrapbook like this mag feels. Naturally with all this planning of our own publication, Matt and I are doing lots of research, which is actually just giving us an excuse to splurge on more printed matter!
I LOVE MAGAZINES! If I was wealthy I would have a subscription to all of them. It really gives you a chance to put down your phone and just get off the screen and on with some light reading and aesthetically pleasing pages to pour over of an evening. No doubt Matt and I will be taking some cues from Lunch Lady in our design, that’s for sure. I highly recommend this mag to anyone really, but if you are a parent it will resonate a lot! There are always great little recipes in there too and I love to cook, so for me it just has it all. Either way, now you know about Lunch Lady and if it’s not for you I’m sure a friend with small children would appreciate a copy as a gift!
That wraps it up for this week. Lux and I are busy working on a new video for you all and I have an interview with Caleb from Bad Flashes on Monday so a new podcast is coming as well! Thank you for reading and if you would like to support the newsletter and my other content the best way to do so is to purchase a print so you get something in return to hang in your home. Or if you wanna just say thanks you can buy me a coffee here. Take care and have a great weekend guys. Love Lucy xx